Mitsubishi Repair: Power window makes a machine gun noise going up and jams, mitsubishi verada, windows work

The drivers side window on the 2000 model Mitsubishi Verada (Diamonte in
the US? not sure) jams when going up and makes a rat-a-tat-a-tat noise if
you hold the switch on. if you Grab the glas and wiggle it up it will go up
another few inches and then jam again and make the noise. It makes the
noise and jams in 3 places on the way up and it is always the exact same
spot. I pulled the door panel off and greased the bar the assembly slides up
and down on. It now goes down more easily (stops for a second in each spot
but then goes down) but still jams on the way up. any ideas?

Pete: No matter really on the model of the car. But all power windows are run the same. With a small electric motor. My thought is your electric motor a worn spot in it and so it stops at that spot, well I guess jams. You will have to replace the motor to get that to stop. The noise you hear is the little motor trying to do it's job but it's not. Like when your starter goes or is starting to go in your car engine. You get this noise, and with time learn that is your starter going. Same with these little motors. (The little motor is saying, "Hey I am trying here but I can't do it".:o))Sorry I am only trying to explain things, please forgive. I guess you could try to get an repair manual for your car, here in the states we can buy them at any parts store. That would give you a wiring diagram and you would be able to understand how the power windows work in your car. Our librarys here in the states always carries them for those of us that don't want to buy our own. I do hope this helps you and good luck!