Mitsubishi Repair: 2001 Eclipse, fluid water, oil light

My engine seems a little louder than usual and I am showing a light on the dashboard of an upside-down car when I brake sometimes.

Lindsay: I would check your exhaust, you could have the starting of a hole in it and so your car is louder. Other wise, where are you hearing the loudness inside or it more when you open a window? As for the unside-down car light, gee that could be anything. With your car, you should have a light for your engine(check engine light, means the computer is not happy with one of the sensors), oil light(could mean needs a oil change or low on oil), brake light(means you should check your brake fluid), water light(your car is low on water, add some). Just not sure what that would be. You need to either get a repair manual for your car, get one for around $20.00 at any parts store or take the car to a shop. If there is a light coming on, even for a bit then it needs to be checked. At that time they could check to see if you are getting a hole in your exhaust. Hope this helps and good luck!