Mitsubishi Repair: 95 Mits Eclipse Starting Issue, advanced auto parts, timing belt replacement

  I have a 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS automatic. Recently I have been having starting problems. If not started for several hours my car would crank but die out almost immediately unless i fed it gas. Sometimes it would not crank at all. I have had the feul relay pump changed about a month ago and the problem stopped. Now however, an very similar situation is happening where my car is not starting properly. Currently I am in the process of getting my long-overdue timing changed. Could the timing  belt or any other belts that are changed when the timing belt is changed be causing this problem?

Thank you !

Yes, if your timing belt has slipped, or if your alternator belt is not secure, you will have starting and idling problems.  It's imperative that you have your timing belt changed every 60,000 miles.  And if this is the first time you are having the timing belt changed, you will also need your hydraulic tensioner and water pump replaced as well.  Most mechanics will not replace your timing belt without replacing those other items.  Replacing your balance belt is also part of the timing belt replacement process as well.  Your other drive belts (power steering, alternator, A/C) should also be changed every 30k-60k miles.  

I would have both your battery and your alternator tested.  You can take your car to most any major auto parts store (AutoZone, Advanced Auto Parts, most Pepboys stores) and they can test your battery and alternator for free.  You can even have the mechanic that replaces your belts test your battery and alternator.  My guess is that your battery is not charging properly; either because the alternator is not providing an adequate charge, or because your battery is at the end of it's life.  Get them tested to be sure and replace is necessary.
Good luck!