Mitsubishi Repair: 1998 Mitsubishi Galant ES Tranny Problem, mitsubishi galant, free estimates

We bought my daughter a 1998 Mitsubishi Galant ES 2.4 motor Automatic transmission. The problem we are having is that when you start out the car shifts fine. After a short distance when the car warms up the tranny downshifts to 1st and wont shift back up. Do you have any idea what is causing this or what could cause this. This is her first car and we dont have a lot of money to put into it. Would it be worth fixing if it is a major problem?  

As an inexpensive fix you can try first, you can have the transmission fluid changed and a new transmission filter installed.  That may help with your shifting issues.  

If that does not help, you can find a transmission shop in your area that offers free estimates.  Hopefully your problem will not be too serious.
Good luck!