Mitsubishi Repair: part needed, mitsubishi eclispe, cv joints

I have a 1999 mitsubishi eclispe spyder convertable and when I turn left and sometimes when I turn right it makes a clunk sound and others are saying that I need a cv joint but not sure can you please help me in finding the part I need or what the actual part is called.
Thanks Denise

A cluck noise may indicate a worn CV joint, but those joints typically do not go bad unless the CV boot has leaked the grease out.  You can look under your car behind both your front tires and see if there is a lot of grease build up there.  That would indicate a broken CV boot.  But a cluck can also indicate a bad lower balljoint, worn tie-rod, or even a cracked coil spring or strut.  

I would recommend having a mechanic inspect your front suspension.  Ask them to inspect your CV boots, balljoints, tie-rods, coil springs and struts.  CV joints are rarely inspected unless your CV boots have leaked out all their grease, and a mechanic will be able to determine that.  Also, what ever mechanic you take your car too, ask them if they perform computerized alignments.  Everyone should have their alignment at least checked every couple years.  Worn front suspension parts will cause your alignment to be off, and that will wear down your tires extremely quickly.  New tires are not cheap, and far more expensive that what all those parts might cost.  Have those parts checked out, and hopefully they'll be able to determine exactly what's causing your clucking noise.
Good luck!