Mitsubishi Repair: 1993 MIRAGE STALLS RIGHT AFTER IT STARTS, mirage coupe, hi tim

Hi!Tim: My 1993 Mirage Coupe (1.5liter engine) with 110,000 miles stalled today (first problem I had with this great car) as a was leaving the post office.  It cranked up, then died in 5 secs.  I tried again and it did the same.It was towed to a garage and by the time they got to it(later in the day) it started right up.  They said the diagnostics showed no problem!!! So they could do no repairs. I drove it home as is but am afraid it will happen again.  Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks!!!!

Hi Johanna

Have you ever had the fuel filter replaced since owning this little car?If not that could be a problem with dirt getting into your fuel line shutting off your fuel pressure and it stalling like it or you could be having a wire going bad in your computer.Have your filter replaced and that should help some,If not we will figure out what is the problem