Mitsubishi Repair: 1990 Mighty Max F.I. Problem, fuel pump relay, coil wire

My 1990 Mighty Max with 2.4 liter 5 Spd and 190,000 miles has started giving me problems.

When I turn the ignition on, I can hear the fuel pump relay clicking spastically under the dash. Under the hood, there are two small electronic vaccum valves attached to the firewall on the drivers side. They also fire on and off intermitantly. If I pull the coil wire, I get a constant buzzing spark to ground like an old model T coil would do.

Occasionaly the relay will stop clicking and then all is normal and the truck will start and fun for a bit. Then it dies again and the clicking begins. I was able to limp it home by removing the cover on the relay and holding the contact closed. I have replaced the relay with a new one, and still have the same problem.

It seems the relay is getting flakey power from wherever its source is. I have a MUT-II scan tool, but dont know where to begin on this one. Any Ideas?



Without a schematic for that particular year and model, it would be hard for me to trace where exactly the fuel pump relay is getting power.  Though, it may be the signal being received from the ECU (car's computer) which could be at fault.  Read this article for further information:

If your ECU is malfunctioning, you'll have all sorts of starting and related problems.  Inspect your ECU for initial problems, and verify if it's working properly.  Have it serviced or replaced if you find evidence of leaking capacitors.
Good luck!