Mitsubishi Repair: mitsubishi mirage wont start, mitsubishi mirage, fuel flow

1998 mitsubishi mirage 1.5L manual

for some reeson my car won't start, replaced the distrubitor rotor and all the plugs and wires and it still won't start up. any ideas?

You may have a fuel or air intake problem.  You should replace your fuel filter and air filter if it's been over 2 years since you've replaced those items.  If either one of those gets overly clogged, they can strict air and fuel flow, which does not allow sufficient air or fuel to get your engine started.

Another problem could be your timing belt.  If your timing belt has slipped enough, it could prevent your engine from starting.  Have your timing belt inspected if it's been over 60,000 miles since you've last replaced it.  

If none of those items helps in getting your car started, you should have your car's computer inspected for possible damage.  
Good luck!