Motorcycle Repair: 1980 CT110 shift problem

I am returning a bike to running. It will not shift into neutral. It seems stuck in 2nd. I can shift up to 4th and back to 2nd but not to 1st of neutral.
I have a manual and have torn apart bikes before but not into transmissions. Any suggestions? The bike has not been running for 10 years.
Phoenix rider

Hello Kevin,

First of all, I need to apologize about the glitch in the system (it's the third attempt to answer your question), it's a very rare situation but it happens once in a while.

Now about your problem...
When you try to shift, turn the rear wheel back and forth to help the gears align and engage.

Most probably, all components in the upper half of the engine (gear shifting mechanism is in the uppermost part) are completely dried out and even rusted.
You could try to flood the engine with light motor oil, let it stay for a couple of hours, adjust the oil level back to normal and try shifting again.

If this doesn't work, then you have to take the engine apart.
And because a picture is a thousand words, try Googling "Honda CT110 Engine Rebuild".
You will find tons of detailed info, pictures and videos, that would take ages to be described in writing.
Don't worry, the CT engine is very easy and the transmission as simple as it gets.

Should you encounter problems though, don't hesitate to contact me again.

Closing, if this answer finally reaches you, please rate it, so I will know it did.
It takes the system a couple of days to notify me about failure to publish and we loose time.
Once more sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,