Motorcycle Repair: 1998 1100XV Virago - oil light, Virago, xv1100

Just bought this.  When engine is cold the oil light is off but once the engine is warmed up the oil light comes on and stays on.  The oil is full and goes down about half way when running.  Is this likely a bad oil pump or could it be something else?   If it is the pump where is it located.  Thank you for any help you can give me.

Motorcycle Repair: 1998 1100XV Virago - oil light, Virago, xv1100
Oil Level Switch  
Hello Rena,

On most Yamaha bikes, oil light shows oil level and not pressure. So if you have checked through
the level window, and the oil in the crankcase is sufficient, there is no reason to be worried.

Now, the oil level switch (see attached picture), is under the crankcase, on the right front side, just under the oil filter cover. Very often, it sticks due to oil residue, and functions erratically.
To verify that this is the case, as soon as the light comes on, lean the bike to the right (as if the side stand was on the right). The light then should go off in the next ten seconds or so.

In this case you can take the switch of the bike, give it a nice bath in kerosene so all the oil residue gets off of its tube, and give it a try.

Sometimes though, if you hit the bottom of the engine (i.e. on a pavement edge) the wire of the
switch shorts to the crankcase and shows low oil situation.
If you find the cover/protector of the switch damaged, the switch itself may be damaged too.

In case you want/need to replace both: Oil level switch P.N.: 3JK-85720-00-00 .
Oil level switch protector P.N.: 4X7-15491-00-00 .

Best of luck.

Kind Regards,
Lazaros Ampatzidis.