Motorcycle Repair: starter problems

my starter dos not engage when i hit the switch sometimes it hits and drags, I'm wondering if it's my starter or something to do with my bendix or drive gear, I'm new at working on harleys and my service manual doesn't tell me alot

First Off I would check the easy stuff that could be causing your issues.
First make sure the Battery has a Full charge. Check the battery connection for
cleanliness and make sure they are tight. Then check the connections on the solenoid.
Check the wires connected to the Starter.
If you find none of these is causing your Problem, then pull the starter
and take it to a Shop and have it Tested..
Sometimes pulling the starter apart and cleaning and lubricating them makes
them work much better..
I think it might be a battery issue. It takes a strong battery.
If it still does the same with a fully charged battery, then the starter solenoid
may be the next thing to check.