Motorcycle Repair: 2007 honda rebel 250, honda rebel 250, fuse block

my bike would not start thought it was battery bought new one still nothing found 3 shorted wires in tail light repaired all that works is the head light no horn no other lights and every time i push starter head light goes on and off any ideas

Forrest, the bike should have a fuse block with separate fuses for various functions. Usually it is back by the battery under a side cover. Usually there is a separate tail light, headlight and main fuse.  

If you had shorted wires in the tail light then the fuse is blown. Check them all to see if they are blown or broken internally.

The headlight is supposed to go out when you hit the starter button, then come back on when you release the starter button. This allows the starter motor circuit to get extra current that would be shared with the headlight, if the switch didn't swap functions internally.

Bill Silver