Motorcycle Repair: C92 carb. for 1963 model, honda cb92, cl models

My 1963 model C92  Engine no.3507107  Frame no.3507074 has a Keihin PW18HOV carb. I purchased a Keyster KH-0010 carb. jet kit for same, but found that the needle valve and seat were a good bit smaller than my existing ones, and also the bowl gasket was a different shape. Did they change Jet sizes for this model in 1963?....I hope you can help.


I think that many of the Keyster kits are for US models, which had different carburetors in some cases... AND... yes there are round bowl and square bowl carburetors, similar to the 250-305 Dreams, CB and CL models. supersedes the CA95 listing for 16123-011-004

16011-355-004 maybe the current number you need for that application. This was used on early S90 models.

16125-202-006 is the part number for a C95 carburetor float valve.  Note that on the CMS listings for the C92 models, there was no reference to Keyster kits available for that carburetor.

Bill Silver

Just found this listing.....