Motorcycle Repair: blowing fuses 1972 cl175 K6, amp fuse, wiringdiagrams

I keep blowing fuses. I am using 15amp fuses, and they blow within a minute of starting the bike. What are the common causes of this? I did not have this problem until I changed the throttle cable..seems unrelated cause i rode the bike around for 15minutes after putting on the new cable before it started this quirk.

James, replacing the throttle cable is probably a good clue for us. Assuming that the bike is stock and wiring is running through the handlebars, you probably have the throttle housing rotated to where it is pinching a wire inside between the harness housing and the handlebar hole. A blown 15 amp fuse is a short circuit to ground. Check all of your wiring connections from one end to the other of the bike.

I know that some of the controls are pinned to the handlebar, to keep them in position, but if the pins are gone the housing can shift out of position.

Start the engine and run it without the lights on and see if it blows the fuse first. If not, then turn on the headlights and see if that triggers the fuse.

Try the brake lights separately to see if wiring is shorting when that circuit is being used.

Pull the fuel tank and see if the throttle cable is rubbing up against wiring connectors, too.

wiring diagrams are here...

Bill Silver