Motorcycle Repair: 1984 700 Honda Shadow clutch problem, clutch system, honda shadow

I bought a '84 700 Honda Shadow and it runs and goes great. I drove it home (about 1 mile on a chilly day) and it went great. I took the bike out a few days later (warmer day) and after riding for a few minutes it quit moving. It was like I was holding the clutch in. It just wouldn't move in any gear. So, I parked it. This morning I started it and it went right into gear and worked good. What the heck would cause this to happen?

Troy check the clutch system. It uses Dot 3 brake fluid and absorbs water and can build up a sludge that can make the slave cylinder stick. You may need to take the sytem apart and clean it and dry it out then put in new fluid and bleed the system out and it should work fine.