Motorcycle Repair: Harley Electrical, electrical question, throtle

QUESTION: Hey Mike, I have a 1983 Shovelhead it's a Bobber style. Last fall I had to put it away about a month early. Went to start it and had no spark. Figured I deal with it this spring. So i got a new coil and put that on. Now I have plenty of spark, and im getting plenty of gas. The motor turns fine. All my lights work. Still I'm not getting it to fire and start. I'm thinking something electrical, but I'm not sure. It was running good last summer and i need that again. I've missed alot of rideing already. Can you help me PLEASE.

ANSWER: What did you use to determine that you are getting gas and spark?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I took out each plug one at a time. Put them back in there wires and layed them agaist metal on the bike and turned the motor. They both showed spark. For the gas. I simpley took off the cover on the carb. Then I can see directly into the carb while tuning the throtle. It's getting plenty gas. Thanks for your quick response.

SInce you are getting spark I would suspect a fuel problem. Even though you turn the throttle and you see gas going in, it might not be enough. Hold your hand tight over the carb and turn the motor over for about 3-5 seconds. Did your hand get sucked against the carb? Did you get a bunch of gas on your hand and in the carb? If you did then turn the choke on and try to start the bike. Did it try to catch?