Motorcycle Repair: burning out headlights on 74 honda xl350, honda xl350, regulator rectifier

since the headlight doesn't go through the voltage regulator on this bike and comes directly off the stator, could I use a solid state regulator / rectifier on the headlight lighting circuit only? I'm looking at the regulator/ rectifier from Beatrice in Nebraska. The tail light, battery, and turn signals are on a different circuit and have a voltage regulator and are no problem. Thankyou, John

John, I imagine that you can regulate the power from the stator with a small voltage regulator.

Check the wiring diagram at

The 3.61 ohm resistor is supposed to help suppress the low beam voltage current from the stator. If the resistor is bad or disconnected, that is probably why you are blowing out the low beam filament.

You might check to see if there are XL350 forums on Yahoo or elsewhere who have seen this problem before and may have a more current solution for you.

Bill Silver