Motorcycle Repair: Kawwasaki Concour 06 1000, screw driver, test light

Couldn't start - Battery wore out, ground down to nothing - replaced battery - still won't start or crank at all - ignition dead. Have juice to the gauge lights, but not headlight, horn or ignition. In a remote location, so can't move it anywhere - will have to fix it myself (I'm far from the first person I'd ask) Praying it's fuse, etc., but almost certain it's not. Any advice gratefully received. Thanks, George

George,I have worked for Kawasaki for about 8 years and I hope I can shed some light. The start system may be the culprit but narrowing it down to the component that caused it is what you need. Do you have a 12 volt test light if not lets try this. Follow the pos (t) lead down the the start solenoid. Now with the key on check for power on the battery cable in with the light,now hit the start button there should be power on the other cable going to the starter. If there isnt any power to the starter.Use an old screw driver and bridge across the two battery cales for a brief moment.If the starter doent make any noise or attempt to start the starter may be bad. It may have been going out drawing to many amps to start and took out the battery. Take the cable off the starter and try the test light again. Put the test light on the cable turn the key on hit the start button and the light shouls light up.This will tell you that there is power to the starter through the entire start start cicuit and its the starter that went bad.