Motorcycle Repair: 88 Honda Shadow, generator coils, pulse generators

Have checked electrical leading up to coils and it gets fire in to both coils but nothing out.  Have checked and by-passed cutoff switches.  Any idea what to check next.

Hi Drew,

Depending on your bike's layout
it will have one or two spark units
and usually two pulse generator coils.

The battery power goes through the kill switch
to the ignition coils so they should
have constant power on one of the wires,
usually black/white.

The ignition coils are triggered by the spark unit
after it receives a trigger pulse from the pulse

If you have two spark units under the seat
then it is unlikely they both quit
at the same time. The same thing
goes for the pulse generator coils
in the engine.

If the coils have good battery voltage then
you might check if any of the spark plugs
have spark. If not then you may have to
check and clean the spark unit connector
and see if the pulse generators are
sending a very small voltage pulse
to the spark unit.

If the pulsers are working then try
swapping the spark units or
try a different spark unit.

If it has more than one pulser and spark unit
then at least one set should still work.

You may have to trace the wiring and look for breaks
in the power to the spark unit.

I didn't see if your bike is a VT600,800 or 1100
so it is hard to be specific.

So, you need battery voltage to the ignition coils,
A voltage pulse from the pulse generator(s)
to the spark unit, a good spark unit with
clean connections.

Good luck!
Wayne S.