Motorcycle Repair: 1987 1200cc sportster, problem thanks, couple times

QUESTION: i have a 1987 1200 sportster and i pull the choke out to start it and it starts and stalls,i mess with the choke and it runs for a couple min than stalls,when i pull the choke out it pushes back in alittle bit on its own,when it runs it runs great i drive it all over,then its back to the same way,prevowner put new carb on it,how do i fix the choke problem,thanks,randy.

ANSWER: If you pull the choke out and hold it wiill it stay running? After it starts and you push it in about half way will it stay running?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: it worked for the first couple times now it doesnt,it will start and stall,start and stall,sometimes just about kills the battery,let it sit awile go hit the start button without choking it and it fires right up,i cant figure it out,thanks,randy

Either the choke circuit is plugged or you are over choking the bike. If the choke circuit is plugged then you are going to have to rebuild the carb. If its just over choking then once you start the bike you should push the choke in as far as you can, but the bike still runs. If you keep the choke out to long you flood the motor and foul the plugs. If you dont need the choke to start the bike dont use it
Good luck and happy riding