Motorcycle Repair: checking timing, btdc, timing light

Id  like to check the timing on my 1984 nighthawk 750 s, this was not included in the on line manual i bought 4 this bike.
i have a timing light, and automotive  experience.
Thanks Frank

Hi Frank,

The ignition timing is not adjustable if I remember
correctly. There is a small cover on the
left engine case with four screws holding it on.
The electronic ignition pulse coils are under there.

There will be a pointer near the top
side and should be an "F" mark for
"Fire" on the crank end unit.

There is oil in this case so you might
lose a bit if you pull the case or
run it openly.

You connect the timing light to the
number 1 cylinder plug wire which is the far
left sitting on the bike.

The pointer should align with the "F" mark
under 1550 RPM. This is about 10 degrees BTDC.

If you speed the bike up the timing mark
will move to it's full advance or about 32 degrees BTDC.

You might get oily if you speed it up too much.

The timing really does not need to be checked
unless you have problems or want to verify
the spark with the timing light.

The ignition is fully transistorized and
and is preset at the factory and
about all you can check is the pulse coil
gap. (.4 mm - 1.1 mm)

If you like checking the timing now and then
I would try to get an old cover and
put some transparent plastic
in part of it so you can run it without
getting oily.

Good luck!
Wayne S.