Motorcycle Repair: S &S typr E carb, sheet metal screw, screw out

I have a 97cuin s&s motor. the fuel jelled. I cleand the tank ,changed the lines. cleaned the bowl and floats needles and rebuilt the acc pump, new diaphram and  bearings. The engine kicks but won' t idle. Only when I pull up on the fast idle arm?

thanks Bob

This doesnt sound like a bike problem as much as it does a fuel problem. Now the fuel has created another problem.It acts like a idle circuit is plugged,pull the carb off and the float bowl and recheck the slow jet,see if its plugged or restricted. Check to see if the factory installed plug over the head of the fuel mixture screw is still pressed in place. If it is it needs to be removed. Drill a small hole through it but do not damage the screw head below it. Take a sheet metal screw and thread into hole and take two screwdrivers and pry the screw out pulling the plug out. Remove the brass mix screw and spring. some times there is a small washer at the end of the spring and a small o-ring. Fashion a small hook on the end of a tiny wire and retrieve the o-ring. Blow through the crcuit and reinstall every thing and set the mixture screw where it was prior to removal or from seated position back it out approx 2 turns then try it.