Motorcycle Repair: Harley Repair, harley heritage softail, bike mike

 could you please tell me how hard it is to change the rear
cam chain tensioneer on a 2007 Harley Heritage softail in my
manual it looks fairly simpel i know the front isn't. but
on the rear one it looks like doing the timming chain on a
car thats the one on the right side of the bike do you
need to do anything with the push rods or anything else to
change that chain and tensioneer.
         Thank you so much for your help

ANSWER: Before you tear it apart, how many miles do you have on the bike?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

 The bike has 23000 miles on it but in my manual the inside
chain has hydrolic tensioneers but the one that you can get to
looks like a spring loaded tensioneer and it looks like it would
be very simpel to change its making a lot of noise on that side
i took it in for service and the mechanic told me it needed the
can chain tensioneers and quoted me high dollars. then i spoke
to harley and they told me there should be no concern until around
50.000 or 60.000 miles so im scratching my head
              thank you again Robert

ANSWER: Those tensioners should last unilt way over 50,000 miles. When you say you are haveing noise on that side, what kind of noise are you hearing? Is it a ticking sound?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

 The sound is kinda hard to descrbi it sounds like a rotation
sound its not a clicking sound like a lifter would make but there
is for sure a noise there that my mechanic was concerned about so
he let me know about it. the rear cam tensioneer is easy to get to
but the front is a didderant question. I know a little more now
than when i first ask you the questions. could i just change the
rear cam tensioneer and see if that helps.
              Thank You Very much. Robert

You can change the rear one, but to me if your going to the trouble of changing one you should do both. If you do one and you still have to noise then you have to tear it back down to dothe other.
Your rotation noise might be a lifter bearing so I would inspect them and make sure they are good.
Good luck and happy riding