Motorcycle Repair: honda vt500 1985, honda vt500, saterday

afther my motor is warm my bike want start untill he is cold again. its like the battery is flatt i get now power... than when i m driving averthing fals out and i have now power untill he is coold of again. can you help me please,i have my first ride out with baca belgium this saterday and i dont wanne miss it thank you for now.. my regards joan

You need to give me more details.  Do you lose electrical power or does the bike get no fuel when warm?  If it is an electrical issue, you will need the check all the connections from the battery to the grounds and also the connection across the main fuse (usually black little box near the battery) and it is important to check the ignition switch itself.  If it is fuel, check the fuel cap that it is allowing air through it so fuel keeps flowing.  Let me know what you find,  Jan