Motorcycle Repair: 1982 cbx wont start, cbx, vagueness

Hi.  I have an '82 cbx that I have owned for 15 years and has been serially (and expensively) restored, the most recent going over about 3 years ago.  I try to run it at least 10 miles per month.  Battery seems to be ok, but bike simply won't start.  I have been having to twist throttle multiple times to get it to start in the past--once it's started and warmed up the bike seems to run fine.  Forgive the vagueness of my question, but I'd at least like a place to start before I call in the boys in the shop.

How often have you put fresh fuel in it?  10 miles per month means 10 months between fill-ups.  That gas will be stale.  The 1981 and 1982 CBX's have a vacuum fuel cutoff, so fuel doesn't flow unless there is a vacuum on the inlet.  You can override this and pull the tube, get fuel to flow by sucking on the tube.  If you taste gas, the diaphragm is bad, if you can't get a vacuum, the diaphragm is bad, otherwise if you keep a vacuum on it for about 1 minute, the bike should start right up.

Good luck,  Jan