Motorcycle Repair: 73 fx shovelhead, stators, rub marks

QUESTION: I have installed a new rotor and 3 different stators, all my stators keep grounding out to motor.... also new regulator....why does or what could make my stators ground out to bike.

ANSWER: they are not putting out any voltage? How do you know they are grounding to the motor? As you using the correct stator for your regulator and rotor?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hey mike,i checked my stator with my ohm meter between the stator leads and motor case and i get a reading,that indicates a ground

I have pondered your question trying to think of a good reason for this to happen to 3 stators. To be grounded the outside of the stator would either have to be touching the case or the rotor or the wire be damaged and touching. I cant think that 3 in a row would be bad right from the factory. But to be ont he safe side, pull the stator and lay it on a piece of metal, like it would be sitting in the motor. Just the center of the stator. Then check for ground. If its grounded then its the stator grounding on the case at the center and its not suppose to. Also, check the rotor and make sure it not hitting the stator. It will show rub marks if it is
Good luck and happy riding