Motorcycle Repair: Motorcycle problems, honda rebel, bill silver

Hello Bill my name is Nick, and i am having trouble starting my 250 Honda Rebel. I tried starting it to simply run the engine (since i haven't started the bike in over a month) i couldn't start it because my wife turned off the fuel when i turned it back on and attempted to start it the engine became flooded, i waited ten minutes to restart it and nothing happened. The neutral light is not even turning on. Is this something i can repair myself or must i take it to the shop?

Nick, if you have no neutral light or other lights, then the battery has been drained down from cranking it earlier.

If you let the bike sit with old fuel in the carburetor, often it will evaporate/separate and then it plugs up the idle jet, so hard starting and no idling.

Make sure the fuel tank is full, add some stabilizer if you are not going to ride it regularly and try draining the float bowl, then refilling it with something fresh in the tank.

Get the battery fully charged and load tested. Batteries usually only last a couple of years in motorcycles, unless used regularly.

Bill Silver