Motorcycle Repair: kawasaki 22 bayou, oil molecules, bill silver

hi i have a few questions for you. First i would like to know what kind of oil to put in it? i do not know the year but i think it is in the 80's. also the battery will not hold a charge for very long it is a brand new battery. thank you

Dylan....  Put motorcycle related oil in the engine. Anytime you have an engine and transmission sharing the same oil, the gears in the transmission tend to tear up the oil molecules, so special rated oils are needed to ensure long life.

If the battery loses charge just sitting then usually the rectifier has a short internally. If the battery loses voltage during riding, then the charging system. Those components are the stator, regulator and rectifier, plus all the wiring in between. has parts illustrations. The bike frame should have a VIN number tag on it somewhere that will show the build date and model date.

Bill Silver