Motorcycle Repair: 1979 flh 80 electra glide classic, runout, ft lbs

My inner primary where the bearing for the trans. main shaft is located, is worn to the point that the bearing is loose, and moving in it's seat. I am positive that the main shaft is bent enough that the runout caused this condition. If I tear down and remove the inner primary, can I indicate the trans. shaft, find the high point, put on the nut, and hit it to straighten it out & remove the runout while the trans. is still mounted on the frame? I had the trans. rebuilt early this summer, and I think I bent it when I put it back in. My manual calls for 250 ft./lbs. of torque on the nut...I found out that it's a misprint. Anyway, I have to get the shaft straight before I fix the bearing fit in the inner primary. If I fix the fit, but leave the shaft bent, it'll just egg out the fit again. What do you think I should do here? Thanks - AL

If your main shaft is bent, then you are going to have to replace it. Even if you can bend it with a hammer, which I doubt, you will never get it perfectly straight. Once you get the trans repaired then you will have to have a cut taken on the inner primary to get the bearing housing round again and then put s sleeve in to hold the bearing
Good luck and happy riding