Motorcycle Repair: harley trans. leak, gear shaft, shaft seal

Hey Mike, had my '95 flh in the shop for a trans. leak(on primary side)-they changed the main shaft seal & spacer/hub & the seal in the 5th gear shaft,put it back together & still leaked (not as bad). now they say it's because the main bearing is loose in the case causing the leak (ya think they would of checked that). What do you think ?? I researched a little,seems like there's three total on the primary side of the trans.,is that right? any input would help. THANKS, Joe

the seal is on the outside of the main bearing and is pushed against the case and rides on the shaft spacer. If the bearing was loose, first it would make noise and second, where the seal is it wouldn't leak. I think I would make them try again.
Good luck and happy riding