Motorcycle Repair: 1985 vt500c starting issue, air leaks, vt500c

Hello, i cannot get my bike to start. I just replaced the rings on both cylinders. Checked valve clearances when putting bike back together just to recheck them. I tried to start the bike for the first time since the work has been done. the bike turns over fine, and the only time I could get it to start was when i covered up on the the carbs with my hand till suction started. the bike almost started then died. i then tried again and it started right up. ran fine for about 1 min till i shut it off. now i cannot get it going again. Plugs have fuel on them and the bike just backfires every few seconds when trying to start. I have plenty of spark and its obviously getting fuel. is it getting too much air?

Chris, if you didn't get the cams in correctly, it won't run. Check the compression. If both cylinders have about 175 psi, then the cams are probably okay. Pull the carbs and clear the idle jet and main jets, check for any air leaks at the manifolds.

Adjust the valves, too.

Bill Silver