Motorcycle Repair: electrical, dash light, dash lights

QUESTION: Why is it that all of a sudden I don't have any dash or tail lights on my 85 Interstate until I apply either the front or rear brake?

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ANSWER: Hey Rick,

Not too sure why this would happen. But if I get this strait...your dash lights and tail lights will all of a sudden go out and wont turn back on until you press the brakes?
Sounds like some wires crossed or a bad connection.
I'd go through every connector on the bike, front to back. Take the connector apart, clean it with electric contact cleaner and put it back together. Keep an eye out for exposed wires.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I went to pick up a taco the other night. I took the bike (it's been so nice). Everything was ok with all the lights on the way to the taco place. But when I started the bike, I realized I didnt have any dash or tail lights. But when I applied the either the front or back brake, my dash lights worked. Then last night, I thot I'll just check the fuses. Even tho they worked, the 10 A fuse for the dask & tail lights was in the fuse place where it shud be, but in 2 pieces. It didn't seem burnt. But then I noticed that a bit of the wiring from particular fuse location was black from burning & /or melting. All the other fuses were ok. I replace that fuse anyway. When a fellow with a twin bike looked at it & compared the wiring (going to the tail light) with his, it was alot different. He thot whoever wired in my trailer hitch didn't do a real good job. I'm thinking that's why the fuse location for the tail / dash light were burnt a bit.

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Thank you!

Having someone wire your bike for a trailer would add a new layer of possibilities.
When was the wiring done? Did you notice the dash light problems immediately after this or has it been working ok for a while?
Is it working better now with the new fuse?
The wiring for the trailer does sound like the culprit. You might need to go over it again or have someone else go over it. Burnt or black fuses are not good.
Again, have a look at the connectors and look for bad grounds in the wiring.