Motorcycle Repair: cl77 Honda battery elininator, honda chopper, honda design

I need a battery eliminator for a cl77 Honda chopper I`ve had in my bacement for many years. All I can seem to find are units for BSA, Triumph etc. Will these work or do I have to find the ones for honda 305`s etc.
Thank you for your help.

All the "battery eliminators" are electrically just a big condenser that stores voltage for use in the system. This isn't an item for vintage Hondas, as the charging system is both - NEG ground and the Honda design uses the battery as both storage and voltage regulation to some extent.

I see some listed from ACCEL for use in H-D models with magnetos or generators.

It should work okay in your application due to lack of electric starter. I recall people saying that they have used them in older Honda twins, but haven't heard much chatter about them for quite awhile.

Bill Silver