Motorcycle Repair: 1998 Roadking fuel Injected 50k phaseII racing cam Straight pipes with Power cones, hd shop, straight pipes

QUESTION: I have a problem of this bike being in two different shops and no one can fix( anwser is buy new Bike?) Its in great shape but when you start or take off it falls on its face. New EMC, intake gaskets, heat sensor,throtle body rebuild.New down load phase I because II run like crape all the time.  One of the back intake seal though new leaks because brake cleaner kills it. Once on the road and warm runs like hell. Uses tons of gas

ANSWER: Since the parts have been added has it always run like that? Are you saying it it only falls on its face when cold or it does it all the time? Pull your plugs and let me know what color they are.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: These parts have been on for 7 years and ok last started acting up so took to HD shop have problems ever since,plugs black and new and had new rings put intwo years ago.

First, you need to fix the intake leak in order to get the bike running right. Since the plugs are black, you are running rich. The two problem of that could be either the coil is bad or the download is incorrect. I would start by doing a OHMs test ont he coil and plug wires to make sure they are ok. If they are then I would look as the download that you had done.
Good luck and happy riding