Motorcycle Repair: 94 fatboy harley, condencer, firer

QUESTION: my bike was work,n fine the pipes have been blue since i got the bike.i went out in the morn the bike started right up my wife said it did,t sound the same i got 2 miles down the road the bike backfired and shut down no firer tryed new plugs wires still no firer so with the key on i started checking wirers and i moved some down by the starter and the bike backfired just sitting there so i though pt,s got firer now yup hit the starter button started up but does,t sound the same took it down road bogs when trying to give gas and then kicks in and sounds good. go back it souds like it,s missing.checked new plugs burning white white hot and i can smell gas ever scense i got the bike if i leave it in the garage over night could my bike be sucking air runing lean or the bike seem hot because not runing right and was working good. thanks joe

ANSWER: Generally, if you have a bad coil, your bike will run rich and foul plugs. Its because you are not getting a hot enough spark. If anything, you are running lean by the plugs.
I would start by checking the jets in the carb, to make sure they are not plugged with a little dirt. If they are ok, check the petcock. It might be plugged up
Good luck and happy riding

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QUESTION: thanks mike i will cheack the jets and petcock.but the bike was work,n good before i had this electric prob,like no fire for two days then i moved some wires and i did take the gas tank up i did,t un hook the one guy told me there a condencer behind the noisecone prob i was following the wirer that comes out of it up by the starter and the bike backfired i don,t no if the key was on or not scard the shit out of me but the bike started it seem it wanted to start when i was just leting off the starter button like on the back stoke so that,s when i put a new battire in and new wires and plugs the old plugs looked good a little black not bad just put the new ones in started let run for5 min the plugs white white hot and don,t sound like when it was runing good. now the reg plug that go,s into primary on side looks burt a bit and the plugs loose in it as vibratted out a few times i have to get a clip but would,t the bike still work good with a new charged battire. do u think it could of jumped time.there were no noises besides the bike backfireing and shutting down no fire and then now fire but not running good. i hope it did,t jump time not much $ around. thanks joe, o ya what about 30 amp main braker.and where is it whats it look like.

ANSWER: Your bike cannot jump time, unless you move teh timing plade. It is direct drive off the cam.
You probably have a short in the wiring and need to locate it. I wuld follow the wires you said you moved and see if they are bare or touching metal to short out.
Also, check the charging system. Start the bike and at 2000 RPM you should be showing around 13.5 volts at the battery. If not then you need to test the stator to see if its bad.
Check the points, since you have them to make sure they are not burned and set correctly. Also, check the flyweights behind the points plate and make sure a spring is not broken
Good luck and happy riding

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QUESTION: just got back from out in the garage it,s still missing runing hot i checked to make sure the was no vac leaks i tryed move the plug wires of the coil i though i might of mixed them up but did,t make a dif, it ran the same no matter how u put them,where are my points i though it was electronic like car.and how do i test stator, thanks for helping me out i just got this bike last year no prob now this.

I assumed you had points since you stated that you had a condenser. Do you have points or electronic ignition? What was your voltage at the battery with the bike running at 2000 RPM? Changing the plugs wires from one plug tot he other does nothing, since you have a duel fire system, not a single fire.