Motorcycle Repair: 1983 Honda vt500c, voltage regulater, mounths

I have been deployed for 15 mounths and am trying to get my bike working again. I have changed the spark plugs, new voltage regulater, and cleaned out all fuel lines. The question I have is the bike has to backfire to start and will shut off during a ride. What can i do to fix this?

Timm, first off thanks for your service to our country.  I have a lot of respect for men and women that volunteer to serve...thanks.

After 15 months of sitting, I'm sure the carbs are plugged up with varnish.  You will need to pull them apart and clean out the jets. The back fire normally indicates a lean running cylinder which is consistent with a dirty carb.  When  the bike shuts off, will it start right back up?  If it does, it's probably ignition, if it doesn't and needs a little time, it could be fuel delivery or it could be a ignition coil has to cool down before it will work again.  An easy check, is to apply a little choke when the engine dies, and if it picks up, it's a fuel problem.
