Motorcycle Repair: oil lines routing 1976 xlh Harley Davidson, rear cylinder, oil tank

QUESTION: hi I need a oil line diagram for a 1976 xlh sportster. This bike was a xlch all apart and no oil filter came with bike.I install a electric start kit complete. Oil filter in oil tank now and install oil cooler on front.I have look at my  harley book and can,t figure out the routing of the lines. No diagram in book on oil lines. Allso could you tell me how to run oil lines under or over starter.ect Thank you Glenn.

ANSWER: Do you have a single 3/8 oil fitting right behind the base of the rear cylinder?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes I have a single 3/8 oil fitting behind the rear cylinder.

Sorry for my lateness. The fitting on the bottom of the oil tank goes to the fitting at the rear of the oil pump, the fitting at the rear of the cam cover goes to the small fitting on the back side of the oil tank by the battery positive post, and the last fitting which is behind the rear cylinder goes to the inlet to your oil cooler and then back to the fitting at the top of the oil tank under the cap also all oil lines should pass under your starter motor.