Motorcycle Repair: starting problem, starter problem, electrical fault

new chopper
i'm having issues starting the bike. when i first bought it i was told that the bike may needed a new battery soon. so, when i first experienced problems starting it; bike doesn't have a run button, is a turn key (like a car) all i would hear is a bang (a loud click)and nothing,not an engine sound at all. So, i replaced the battery and the same problem continued, once every so often instead of hearing the disappointing click the engine would sound as if it wanted to start but it didn't. every time i turn the key half way all electrical parts work perfect, but once i turn it all the way instead of starting just the loud click, i don't know why once in a while it sounds as if is going to start but most of the time just the click sound.
is it a starter problem?

Since you didn't tell me what make, model and year your chopper is I'm going to assume it has a Harley or a Harley clone engine in it. The loud click you hear is probably the starter gear engaging on the flywheel, but for some reason the starter does not turn. This could be due to worn contacts in the solenoid, an improperly aligned starter or an electrical fault in the starter windings. I would suggest you take the bike back to the dealer or wherever you purchased it from and have them repair the problem - hopefully the bike is under warranty, as you said it is "new".