Motorcycle Repair: 1980 cb650c, fuel mixture, compression check

My 1980 cb650 wont start without assistance(ether) but when running it idles fine accelerates fine. Doesnt smoke or backfire. I had the carbs cleaned and ran a compression check per Clymer instructions, all cylinders 153 lbs on a warm engine. I ran compression on a cold engine for curiousty and it was 70 lbs,Idont know if this tells me anything. Could it be a timing issue or spark even though it runs fine or carburetor,choke,fuel issue.Thanks for your time

Wayne, it sounds like the choke isn't working.  The fuel mixture needs to be much richer when the engine is cold.  Before you take the carbs apart again, put one small squirt of oil in the cylinders and check the compression again.  Be sure to open the throttle all the way open when you check it.  If the compression comes up, it's leaking past the rings, if it doesn't it's a valve leakage issue.  If it's the valves,try adjusting the valves.
