Motorcycle Repair: Electrical Question, XR500R, ingnition

Hi, I'm restoring a 1982 Honda XL500R that I have had in storage for years and had most of the parts necessary. It was going great right up to trying to start it, I have power and ignition but don't seem to be getting spark at the plug. I had to re wire existing wires and am pretty sure I got em right because they are color coded but have 2 unmated wires I was unable to locate a match for.

Thanks, Ray

I need more information and a bit of clarification to answer this.

- You say that you "have power and ignition". Ignition means that the compressed fuel/air mixture in the cylinder is ignited. If you have ignition the plug must be sparking.
I think you mean that you have power to the ignition coil. Is this correct or am I completely misinterpreting you?

- What colours are the "unmated" wires and where do they come from (ignition coil, CDI box, main harness &c)?
I have found a wiring drawing at so I can probably figure out where they go if I know their colours. You might want to download the drawing and print it out for reference.

If you send me a follow up with this information I will see if I can figure it out.