Motorcycle Repair: throwout bearing, clutch lever, clutch cable

how difficult is it to change a throwout bearing on a 1996 fxstc?Can you talk me through it?I try to do all my own wrenching,but i'm not sure on this one.

First, you drain the trans fluid. Then go to the clutch cable and put some slack in it. Go to the clutch adjuster, located inside the primary, and loosen the locknut and loosen the adjuster. You will probably have to remove the rear exhaust pipe, depending on what exhaust system you have. Now remove the right trans cover. Behind it you will see the bearing in the trans rod. Slide the rod out and replace the bearing and reinstall the cover with a new gasket. Adjust the clutch. Turn the adjuster inward slowly, just until it bottoms and then out about 1/8 turn. Tighten the locknut and then adjust the cable so you have about 1/8 inch play in the clutch lever. Fill with trans fluid and you should be good to go
Good luck and happy riding