Motorcycle Repair: EFI tuning, straight pipes, decel

QUESTION: I recently put Rush slip ons and an Arlen Ness Stage II air filter on an '08 FLHTC.  I am attmepting to tune it using the Arlen Ness Big Shot fuel tuner.  It idles and runs well in easy conditions. I am getting some popping on decel and a louder pop after some hard accel when letting off the throttle to shift.  I enrichened the decel mixture mode slightly and still have the popping.  Can I continue to richen the fuel to alleviate the popping on decel and during hard accel?

ANSWER: Do the slipons that you installed have baffles or are they just straight pipes?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes they have baffles. 2.25"

the popping is from not enough back pressure which will cause a build up of gas in the exhaust. richening it will not solve the problem. you will probably have to install torque cones in the exhaust or get bigger baffles to get it to stop popping
Good luck and happy riding