Motorcycle Repair: Honda CBR600F carb balancing / syncronisation, honda cbr600f, adjustment screws

Motorcycle Repair: Honda CBR600F carb balancing / syncronisation, honda cbr600f, adjustment screws
Hey Rich, I bought a set of vacuum gauges recently to sweeten up my bike, Ive never used vacuum gauges, I'm very keen to learn how.
You see, my history is with two strokes, so please how do I Use my newly acquired vacuum gauges to balance the carbs on my 1998 CBR600FW....step by step please.

Bertie, the procedure is too complicated to write out a step by step.  Once you hook up the gages and start the bike you will see the balance between the 4 cylinders.  You will find some adjustment screws between the carbs.  Those screws adjust the balance between the two carbs and the adjustment in the center will balance the left and right carbs.  You want to get them balanced with in 1 inch of HG of each other.  

I'd recommend you put a fan on the motor to keep it cool while you adjust them. It may take a while on your first attempt and you may find that the engine may over heat.  You will also have to find a way to keep fuel in the carbs because the tank will have to come off to make the adjustments.

Good Luck