Motorcycle Repair: Honda CX500 air leak, honda cx500, hose clamps

Hello Rich,
     I too work on Honda's, but have a problem I just can't find.
     I have a CX 500, will not idle below 2000 rpm.
cleaned  rebuilt carbs, all new gaskets o-rings and floats and needles. correct float height.
New diaphrams, springs, o-rings in the sides also.
elbows and ubbers look really good????????
evs like crazy when choke is used, and revs up and smoothes out when either is spayed between the carbs????? where in the world could the leak be? cracked carb casting? something i'm over looking?  please help if you can!

Kirk, about the only thing  left is the seal between the rubber intake manifold and the carb.  I've see where those clamps get over tightened and pucker the seal creating a leak. Try replacing the clamps with hose clamps and see if the leak doesn't go away.
