Motorcycle Repair: 1992 honda xr 100r, tick tick tick, honda xr

the bike is making a rattling noise and some one said it was the valves i need to know if you think that is the problem or something else if it is the problem i need to know what to set the gap for the valve adjustment, is it .002

My experience is with older pre 1982 Hondas so the 1992 is a little newer than I have direct experience with.  In general though, a rattling noise like a bunch of loose washers rattling in a tin can, is usually a loose cam chain.  A single tick, tick tick type of noise is a mis-adjusted valve.  If you hold the handle of a long screw driver to your ear and put the blade on various points on the motor while it's running, you can pinpoint where the noise is coming from.  It will act just like a stethoscope. Sorry but I don't have the specifications for the valves since it later than my experience base.