Motorcycle Repair: L.E.D. Conversion, 1986 honda nighthawk, ohm resistors

Hi I just got a 1986 honda Nighthawk 450sc and bought a pair of aftermarket L.E.D. turnsignals to replace my stock ones up front. When I installed the turnsignals they wouldnt blink, they would light up with
everything but when I switched on the blinker the light would just go dead and the flasher indicator would blink at about 3 times the speed of the original. I am guessing this has something to do with resistance since L.E.D.s use less energy. Should I go ahead and by another pair and
install all 4 at once? Will that fix the problem or is my flash relay to "big"? Is there some way to install resistors(where could I get them) on the wire to cut down the energy returning to the flasher relay...I am a
novice at this so I probaly am way off but any info would be awesome. thanks Jeremy


a few things might work, one is to
wire some 50-100 ohm resistors into
each light. Second thing is get a electronic
flasher from autozone or here: (first one)
Third thing is a variable rate flasher and
fourth idea is try switching the wires
on the led. Sometimes it helps.