Motorcycle Repair: honda cb200 tach lag, choke trouble, idle race, honda cb200, air screws

Hey, I've got a few questions about my new (first) bike - a 1973 Honda CB200.  I think it was sitting for a while before I bought it, but it started up and runs really strong.  Only a few issues that i wanted to deal with:

(I'm mentioning them all just in case one helps you understand the others.  I wont be offended if you don't have time to get to each problem.)

1.  Lagging Tachometer - when I first got the bike, the tach didn't track engine speed at all: it would either be at zero (off) or about 3k rpm (anytime the bike's running, regardless of throttle).  I took the tach off to replace the night-light bulb, and when i put it back on it was different: now it seems like it's tracking engine speed, but it takes a while (30 secs or so) to catch up to a change in RPM, and it moves quite slowly.

2.  Fast Idle - If I were to put the fuel/air screws all the way in, then out 1.5 turns, it runs really, REALLY fast (don't know exact RPM b/c tach wasn't working until recently - see item 1) at idle.  I can tone down the idle speed by backing the f/a screws out a lot (3 full turns or more), but I don't think that's getting to the underlying problem.  

3.  Bike dies when choke fully (90% or more) closed, runs fine for all other choke positions (including 1/2 closed and almost closed >3/4).

4.  Carb leaks fuel from overflow tube.  I've tried draining it via the drain screws, and that abates the problem, but only temporarily.  Somewhat relatedly, Did you know that gasoline dissolves Solo cups?  live and learn, i guess.

Thanks a lot for any help you can give!  -Dan


Numbers 2, 3, and 4 on your list are all related. Being the bike has sat for a period of time you are going to have to remove the carbs, disassemble them completely and soak them is a carb dip. This is going to remove all the varnish that has accumulated in the ports. You may need to get a carb rebuild kit for them since it sounds like the needle and seat are not shutting off the fuel and it is coming out the overflow tubes. The reason the choke is acting funny is because the bike is not getting the right mixture from that carbs. Once you clean the carbs that will cure itself. Call your local dealer and ask them for the carb specs (what the screws should be set at) and leave them at that setting. There is no reason to play with them if the bike is stock. Your just going to give yourself a headache. Get back with me if you need more detail or get them done and we'll see about your tach problem. Danee