Motorcycle Repair: S&S Super E carb, air fuel mixture, vacuum tank

First off the bike is a 95 Sportster 1200. I bought it a month ago and it had Harley slash cut bologna tip exhaust with no baffles. The bike ran poorly loading up and fouling plugs. I rebuilt the bike and installed a Cycle Shack exhaust the same as the other exhaust except these have a glass pack lining although they are straight through pipes also. At idle the bike belches black smoke out the exhaust and loads up, fouls the plugs in about 5 mins. The air fuel mixture needle really doesn't change a thing adjusting it. I set it to the S&S factory settings and it was still the same. Almost looks like the enricher is on but it's not. Did a complete rebuild with a S&S master kit. Cleaned and blew out all the passages etc. Carb. looked like new to start and rebuind changed nothing. Enricher snaps as it should and what is odd is that I can turn the air fuel mixture screw all the way in and the bike still would run and still belch black smoke. Plugs are completely soot covered and you can smell the fuel as soon as you crank it over. Bike has a vacuum tank and all hoses are good. Jets are a 66 main and a 28 mid. Running with or without the air filter there is no difference. I have a new K&N for it.

If the air/fuel misture screw does nothing to the bike then you have a carb problem. If you turn the screw all the way in while the bike is idling it shouls shut off. I would contact S&S tech support and see what they tell you. Either the enrichner is sticking or the seat for the air/fuel misture is bad sounds like to me.
Good luck and happy riding