Motorcycle Repair: dead battery, 2002 suzuki marauder, ac volts

I just bought a 2002 suzuki marauder with 4000 miles and the battery keeps dying...i replaced the battery once.


-double check any connectors around the rectifier,
battery and stator plug. Check all fuses.
Make sure battery cables are tight.

-Check battery voltage above 2000 rpm,
should be 14-15 volts.

-unplug stator plug, usually 3 yellow wires.
Connect multimeter to any two of the
yellow wires coming from the stator.
Set the multimeter on "AC" volts.
You should get around 65 volts at 4000 rpm.

-Check between all three wires and then
check each wires continuity to ground
or the engine, there should be no grounds.

-If the stator checks out you likely have either
a bad connector somewhere or a faulty rectifier.

Make sure the battery is still okay as well.
If the charging system is okay,
possibly you have something draining the battery
which would require more testing and wire