Motorcycle Repair: 1983 honda nighthawk cb550sc, 1983 honda nighthawk, fuel mixture

Hi wayne I have a 1983 honda nighthawk 550cc it will only at half trotel and it backfires the right side of the engine gets hot and the left side only gets warm the only thing I have was I put new plugs in it still backfires. I would appreate any help that I could get thank you very much. cyril


-cylinder 1 and 4 use the same coil so
if the right side is hot and the left
side warm I suspect the ignition
is okay. Check if you have spark on the left side.

-You may want to get the compression
checked to see if the cylinders are equal
and have over 150 psi before going further.

-check if fuel is getting to the left side
carburetor(s) Backfire can be due to a lean
fuel mixture, not enough gas. Open the drain
screw on the carb and see if fuel comes out.

If compression and fuel are okay you may have
a failing ignition pulse unit.